from typing import Optional from fastapi import Body, FastAPI, Request from loguru import logger from discord_webhook import DiscordEmbed, DiscordWebhook from os import getenv app = FastAPI() webhook_url = getenv("DYNMAP_WEBHOOK", None) if webhook_url: webhook = DiscordWebhook(url=webhook_url) else: webhook = None"/up/sendmessage") # async def message_endpoint(request: Request, name: str = Body(str), message: str = Body(str)): async def message_endpoint(request: Request): ip = request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] if 'X-Forwarded-For' in request.headers else try: data = await request.json() name = data["name"] if "name" in data else "" message = data["message"] if "message" in data else "" except:"{ip}: invalid body: {request._body}") return {"error": "invalid body"} if webhook: embed = DiscordEmbed( title="message received", description="```" + (f"{name}: " if name != "" else "") + str(message) + "```", ) embed.add_embed_field(name="address", value=ip) webhook.add_embed(embed) response = webhook.execute()"new message from {ip}: [{name}] {message}") return {"error": "none"} @app.get("/up/configuration") async def configuration_endpoint(request: Request): ip = request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] if 'X-Forwarded-For' in request.headers else if webhook: embed = DiscordEmbed(title="received configuration request", description=f"address: {ip}") embed.add_embed_field(name="address", value=ip) response = webhook.execute() # default configuration # TODO: move to a separate file return { "updaterate": 2000.0, "chatlengthlimit": 256, "components": [ { "spawnlabel": "Spawn", "spawnbedhidebydefault": True, "spawnbedformat": "%name%'s bed", "worldborderlabel": "Border", "spawnbedremoveonplayerleave": True, "showworldborder": True, "type": "markers", "showlabel": False, "offlineicon": "offlineuser", "showspawnbeds": False, "showofflineplayers": False, "spawnbedicon": "bed", "offlinehidebydefault": True, "offlinelabel": "Offline", "enablesigns": False, "default-sign-set": "markers", "spawnicon": "world", "offlineminzoom": 0, "spawnbedminzoom": 0, "showspawn": True, "spawnbedlabel": "Spawn Beds", "maxofflinetime": 30, }, {"allowurlname": False, "type": "chat"}, {"focuschatballoons": False, "type": "chatballoon"}, { "showplayerfaces": True, "sendbutton": False, "type": "chatbox", "messagettl": 5, }, { "hidebydefault": False, "showplayerhealth": True, "showplayerbody": False, "showplayerfaces": True, "largeplayerfaces": False, "label": "Players", "type": "playermarkers", "smallplayerfaces": False, "layerprio": 0, }, {"type": "link"}, {"showdigitalclock": True, "showweather": True, "type": "timeofdayclock"}, { "show-mcr": False, "label": "Location", "type": "coord", "show-chunk": False, "hidey": False, }, ], "worlds": [ { "sealevel": 63, "protected": False, "maps": [ { "nightandday": False, "shader": "stdtexture", "compassview": "S", "prefix": "flat", "tilescale": 0, "icon": None, "scale": 4, "azimuth": 270.0, "type": "HDMapType", "title": "Flat", "backgroundday": 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