#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Helper library with code needed for Adobe stuff. ''' from uuid import getnode import sys, os, hashlib, base64 import ssl import urllib.request as ulib import urllib.error as uliberror from datetime import datetime, timedelta from lxml import etree try: from Cryptodome import Random from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES from Cryptodome.Hash import SHA except ImportError: # Some distros still ship Crypto from Crypto import Random from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import SHA #@@CALIBRE_COMPAT_CODE@@ from setup.customRSA import CustomRSA from oscrypto import keys from oscrypto.asymmetric import dump_certificate, dump_private_key VAR_ACS_SERVER_HTTP = "http://adeactivate.adobe.com/adept" VAR_ACS_SERVER_HTTPS = "https://adeactivate.adobe.com/adept" FILE_DEVICEKEY = "devicesalt" FILE_DEVICEXML = "device.xml" FILE_ACTIVATIONXML = "activation.xml" # Lists of different ADE "versions" we know about VAR_VER_SUPP_CONFIG_NAMES = [ "ADE 1.7.2", "ADE 2.0.1", "ADE 3.0.1", "ADE 4.0.3", "ADE 4.5.10", "ADE 4.5.11" ] VAR_VER_SUPP_VERSIONS = [ "ADE WIN 9,0,1131,27", "", "", "", "com.adobe.adobedigitaleditions.exe v4.5.10.186048", "com.adobe.adobedigitaleditions.exe v4.5.11.187303" ] VAR_VER_HOBBES_VERSIONS = [ "9.0.1131.27", "9.3.58046", "10.0.85385", "12.0.123217", "", "" ] VAR_VER_OS_IDENTIFIERS = [ "Windows Vista", "Windows Vista", "Windows 8", "Windows 8", "Windows 8", "Windows 8" ] # "Missing" versions: # 1.7.1, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.5 to 4.5.9 # # This is a list of ALL versions we know (and can potentially use if present in a config file). # Must have the same length / size as the four lists above. VAR_VER_BUILD_IDS = [ 1131, 78765, 91394, 123281, 186048, 187303 ] # Build ID 185749 also exists, that's a different (older) variant of 4.5.10. # This is a list of versions that can be used for new authorizations: VAR_VER_ALLOWED_BUILD_IDS_AUTHORIZE = [ 78765, 91394, 123281, 187303 ] # This is a list of versions to be displayed in the version changer. VAR_VER_ALLOWED_BUILD_IDS_SWITCH_TO = [ 1131, 78765, 91394, 123281, 187303 ] # Versions >= this one are using HTTPS # According to changelogs, this is implemented as of ADE 4.0.1 - no idea what build ID that is. VAR_VER_NEED_HTTPS_BUILD_ID_LIMIT = 123281 # Versions >= this are using a different order for the XML elements in a FulfillmentNotification. # This doesn't matter for fulfillment at all, but I want to emulate ADE as accurately as possible. # Implemented as of ADE 4.0.0, no idea what exact build number that is. VAR_VER_USE_DIFFERENT_NOTIFICATION_XML_ORDER = 123281 # Default build ID to use - ADE 2.0.1 VAR_VER_DEFAULT_BUILD_ID = 78765 def are_ade_version_lists_valid(): # These five lists MUST all have the same amount of elements. # Otherwise that will cause all kinds of issues. fail = False if len(VAR_VER_SUPP_CONFIG_NAMES) != len(VAR_VER_SUPP_VERSIONS): fail = True if len(VAR_VER_SUPP_CONFIG_NAMES) != len(VAR_VER_HOBBES_VERSIONS): fail = True if len(VAR_VER_SUPP_CONFIG_NAMES) != len(VAR_VER_OS_IDENTIFIERS): fail = True if len(VAR_VER_SUPP_CONFIG_NAMES) != len(VAR_VER_BUILD_IDS): fail = True if fail: print("Internal error in ACSM Input: Mismatched version list lenghts.") print("This should never happen, please open a bug report.") return False return True devkey_bytes = None def get_devkey_path(): global FILE_DEVICEKEY return FILE_DEVICEKEY def get_device_path(): global FILE_DEVICEXML return FILE_DEVICEXML def get_activation_xml_path(): global FILE_ACTIVATIONXML return FILE_ACTIVATIONXML def update_account_path(folder_path): # type: (str) -> None global FILE_DEVICEKEY, FILE_DEVICEXML, FILE_ACTIVATIONXML FILE_DEVICEKEY = os.path.join(folder_path, "devicesalt") FILE_DEVICEXML = os.path.join(folder_path, "device.xml") FILE_ACTIVATIONXML = os.path.join(folder_path, "activation.xml") def createDeviceKeyFile(): # Original implementation: Device::createDeviceKeyFile() DEVICE_KEY_SIZE = 16 global devkey_bytes devkey_bytes = Random.get_random_bytes(DEVICE_KEY_SIZE) f = open(FILE_DEVICEKEY, "wb") f.write(devkey_bytes) f.close() def int_to_bytes(value, length, big_endian = True): # Helper function for Python2 only (big endian) # Python3 uses int.to_bytes() result = [] for i in range(0, length): result.append(value >> (i * 8) & 0xff) if big_endian: result.reverse() return result def get_mac_address(): mac1 = getnode() mac2 = getnode() if (mac1 != mac2) or ((mac1 >> 40) % 2): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: return bytes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]) else: return bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: return mac1.to_bytes(6, byteorder='big') return int_to_bytes(mac1, 6) def makeSerial(random): # type: (bool) -> str # Original implementation: std::string Device::makeSerial(bool random) # It doesn't look like this implementation results in the same fingerprint Adobe is using in ADE. # Given that Adobe only ever sees the SHA1 hash of this value, that probably doesn't matter. sha_out = None if not random: try: # Linux uid = os.getuid() import pwd username = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name.encode("utf-8").decode("latin-1") except: # Windows uid = 1000 try: username = os.getlogin().encode("utf-8").decode("latin-1") except: import getpass username = getpass.getuser().encode("utf-8").decode("latin-1") mac_address = get_mac_address() dataToHash = "%d:%s:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\x00" % (uid, username, mac_address[0], mac_address[1], mac_address[2], mac_address[3], mac_address[4], mac_address[5]) sha_out = hashlib.sha1(dataToHash.encode('latin-1')).hexdigest().lower() else: import binascii sha_out = binascii.hexlify(Random.get_random_bytes(20)).lower() return sha_out def makeFingerprint(serial): # type: (str) -> str # Original implementation: std::string Device::makeFingerprint(const std::string& serial) # base64(sha1(serial + privateKey)) # Fingerprint must be 20 bytes or less. global devkey_bytes if devkey_bytes is None: f = open(FILE_DEVICEKEY, "rb") devkey_bytes = f.read() f.close() str_to_hash = serial.decode('latin-1') + devkey_bytes.decode('latin-1') hashed_str = hashlib.sha1(str_to_hash.encode('latin-1')).digest() b64str = base64.b64encode(hashed_str) return b64str ############################################## HTTP stuff: def sendHTTPRequest_DL2FILE(URL, outputfile): # type: (str, str) -> int headers = { "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "book2png", # MacOS uses different User-Agent. Good thing we're emulating a Windows client. } req = ulib.Request(url=URL, headers=headers) handler = ulib.urlopen(req) chunksize = 16 * 1024 ret_code = handler.getcode() loc = None try: loc = req.headers.get("Location") except: pass if loc is not None: return sendHTTPRequest_DL2FILE(loc) if ret_code != 200: return ret_code with open(outputfile, "wb") as f: while True: chunk = handler.read(chunksize) if not chunk: break f.write(chunk) return 200 def sendHTTPRequest_getSimple(URL): # type: (str) -> str headers = { "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "book2png", # MacOS uses different User-Agent. Good thing we're emulating a Windows client. } # Ignore SSL: # It appears as if lots of book distributors have either invalid or expired certs ... # No idea how Adobe handles that (pinning?), but we can just ignore SSL errors and continue anyways. # Not the best solution, but it works. ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE req = ulib.Request(url=URL, headers=headers) handler = ulib.urlopen(req, context=ctx) content = handler.read() loc = None try: loc = req.headers.get("Location") except: pass if loc is not None: return sendHTTPRequest_getSimple(loc) return content def sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL, document, type, returnRC = False): # type: (str, bytes, str, bool) -> str headers = { "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "book2png", # MacOS uses different User-Agent. Good thing we're emulating a Windows client. "Content-Type": type } # Ignore SSL: # It appears as if lots of book distributors have either invalid or expired certs ... # No idea how Adobe handles that (pinning?), but we can just ignore SSL errors and continue anyways. # Not the best solution, but it works. ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # Make sure URL has a protocol # Some vendors (see issue #22) apparently don't include "http://" in some of their URLs. # Python returns an error when it encounters such a URL, so just add that prefix if it's not present. if not "://" in URL: print("Provider is using malformed URL %s, fixing." % (URL)) URL = "http://" + URL req = ulib.Request(url=URL, headers=headers, data=document) try: handler = ulib.urlopen(req, context=ctx) except uliberror.HTTPError as err: # This happens with HTTP 500 and related errors. print("Post request caused HTTPError %d" % (err.code)) if returnRC: return err.code, "Post request caused HTTPException" else: return None except uliberror.URLError as err: # This happens if the hostname cannot be resolved. print("Post request failed with URLError") if returnRC: return 900, "Post request failed with URLError" else: return None ret_code = handler.getcode() if (ret_code == 204 and returnRC): return 204, "" if (ret_code != 200): print("Post request returned something other than 200 - returned %d" % (ret_code)) content = handler.read() loc = None try: loc = req.headers.get("Location") except: pass if loc is not None: return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(loc, document, type, returnRC) if returnRC: return ret_code, content return content def sendHTTPRequest(URL): # type: (str) -> str return sendHTTPRequest_getSimple(URL) def sendRequestDocu(document, URL): # type: (str, str) -> str return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL, document.encode("utf-8"), "application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml", False) def sendRequestDocuRC(document, URL): # type: (str, str) -> str return sendPOSTHTTPRequest(URL, document.encode("utf-8"), "application/vnd.adobe.adept+xml", True) ######### Encryption and signing ################### def encrypt_with_device_key(data): data = bytearray(data) global devkey_bytes if devkey_bytes is None: f = open(FILE_DEVICEKEY, "rb") devkey_bytes = f.read() f.close() remain = 16 if (len(data) % 16): remain = 16 - (len(data) % 16) for _ in range(remain): data.append(remain) data = bytes(data) iv = Random.get_random_bytes(16) cip = AES.new(devkey_bytes, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) encrypted = cip.encrypt(data) res = iv + encrypted return res def decrypt_with_device_key(data): if isinstance(data, str): # Python2 data = bytes(data) global devkey_bytes if devkey_bytes is None: f = open(FILE_DEVICEKEY, "rb") devkey_bytes = f.read() f.close() cip = AES.new(devkey_bytes, AES.MODE_CBC, data[:16]) decrypted = bytearray(cip.decrypt(data[16:])) # Remove padding decrypted = decrypted[:-decrypted[-1]] return decrypted def addNonce(): # TODO: Update nonce calculation # Currently, the plugin always uses the current time, and the counter (tmp) is always 0. # What Adobe does instead is save the current time on program start, then increase tmp # every time a Nonce is needed. dt = datetime.utcnow() sec = (dt - datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() Ntime = int(sec * 1000) # Ntime is now milliseconds since 1970 # Unixtime to gregorian timestamp Ntime += 62167219200000 # Something is fishy with this tmp value. It usually is 0 in ADE, but not always. # I haven't yet figured out what it means ... tmp = 0 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: final = bytearray(Ntime.to_bytes(8, 'little')) final.extend(tmp.to_bytes(4, 'little')) else: final = bytearray(int_to_bytes(Ntime, 8, False)) final.extend(int_to_bytes(tmp, 4, True)) ret = "" ret += "%s" % (base64.b64encode(final).decode("utf-8")) m10m = dt + timedelta(minutes=10) m10m_str = m10m.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") ret += "%s" % (m10m_str) return ret def get_cert_from_pkcs12(_pkcs12, _key): _, cert, _ = keys.parse_pkcs12(_pkcs12, _key) return dump_certificate(cert, encoding="der") def sign_node(node): sha_hash = hash_node(node) sha_hash = sha_hash.digest() # print("Hash is " + sha_hash.hex()) global devkey_bytes global pkcs12 if devkey_bytes is None: f = open(FILE_DEVICEKEY, "rb") devkey_bytes = f.read() f.close() # Get private key try: activationxml = etree.parse(FILE_ACTIVATIONXML) adNS = lambda tag: '{%s}%s' % ('http://ns.adobe.com/adept', tag) pkcs12 = activationxml.find("./%s/%s" % (adNS("credentials"), adNS("pkcs12"))).text except: return None my_pkcs12 = base64.b64decode(pkcs12) my_priv_key, _, _ = keys.parse_pkcs12(my_pkcs12, base64.b64encode(devkey_bytes)) my_priv_key = dump_private_key(my_priv_key, None, "der") # textbook RSA with that private key block = CustomRSA.encrypt_for_adobe_signature(my_priv_key, sha_hash) signature = base64.b64encode(block).decode() # Debug # print("sig is %s\n" % block.hex()) return signature def hash_node(node): hash_ctx = SHA.new() hash_node_ctx(node, hash_ctx) return hash_ctx ASN_NONE = 0 ASN_NS_TAG = 1 # aka "BEGIN_ELEMENT" ASN_CHILD = 2 # aka "END_ATTRIBUTES" ASN_END_TAG = 3 # aka "END_ELEMENT" ASN_TEXT = 4 # aka "TEXT_NODE" ASN_ATTRIBUTE = 5 # aka "ATTRIBUTE" debug = False def hash_node_ctx(node, hash_ctx): qtag = etree.QName(node.tag) if (qtag.localname == "hmac" or qtag.localname == "signature"): if (qtag.namespace == "http://ns.adobe.com/adept"): # Adobe HMAC and signature are not hashed return else: print("Warning: Found hmac or signature node in unexpected namespace " + qtag.namespace) hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, ASN_NS_TAG) if qtag.namespace is None: hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, "") else: hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, qtag.namespace) hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, qtag.localname) attrKeys = node.keys() # Attributes need to be sorted attrKeys.sort() # TODO Implement UTF-8 bytewise sorting: # "Attributes are sorted first by their namespaces and # then by their names; sorting is done bytewise on UTF-8 # representations." for attribute in attrKeys: # Hash all the attributes hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, ASN_ATTRIBUTE) # Check for element namespace and hash that, if present: q_attribute = etree.QName(attribute) # Hash element namespace (usually "") # If namespace is none, use "". Else, use namespace. hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, "" if q_attribute.namespace is None else q_attribute.namespace) # Hash (local) name and value hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, q_attribute.localname) hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, node.get(attribute)) hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, ASN_CHILD) if (node.text is not None): # If there's raw text, hash that. # This code block used to just be the following: # hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, ASN_TEXT) # hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, node.text.strip()) # though that only works with text nodes < 0x7fff. # While I doubt we'll ever encounter text nodes larger than 32k in # this application, I want to implement the spec correctly. # So there's a loop going over the text, hashing 32k chunks. text = node.text.strip() textlen = len(text) if textlen > 0: done = 0 remaining = 0 while True: remaining = textlen - done if remaining > 0x7fff: #print("Warning: Why are we hashing a node larger than 32k?") remaining = 0x7fff hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, ASN_TEXT) hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, text[done:done+remaining]) done += remaining if done >= textlen: break for child in node: # If there's child nodes, hash these as well. hash_node_ctx(child, hash_ctx) hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, ASN_END_TAG) def hash_do_append_string(hash_ctx, string): # type: (SHA.SHA1Hash, str) -> None if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: str_bytes = bytes(string, encoding="utf-8") else: str_bytes = bytes(string) length = len(str_bytes) len_upper = int(length / 256) len_lower = int(length & 0xFF) hash_do_append_raw_bytes(hash_ctx, [len_upper, len_lower]) hash_do_append_raw_bytes(hash_ctx, str_bytes) def hash_do_append_tag(hash_ctx, tag): # type: (SHA.SHA1Hash, int) -> None if (tag > 5): return hash_do_append_raw_bytes(hash_ctx, [tag]) def hash_do_append_raw_bytes(hash_ctx, data): # type: (SHA.SHA1Hash, bytes) -> None hash_ctx.update(bytearray(data))