using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel; using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input; using Launcher.Model; using System.Diagnostics; using System; using System.IO; using System.Windows; using Launcher.Common; using static Launcher.Common.ProxyHelper; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using Launcher.Control; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Linq; using static System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Text; namespace Launcher.ViewModel { internal class HomeVM : ObservableObject { public static HomeVM Instacne = new HomeVM(); public LauncherConfig LauncherConfig { get { return App.launcherConfig; } set { SetProperty(ref App.launcherConfig, value); } } public HomeVM() { if (LauncherConfig == null) { LauncherConfig = new LauncherConfig(); LauncherConfig.Servers.Add(new ServerItem() { Name = "TestServer", Description = "Styles are the visual aspects of a UI that give it a distinct look and feel.", proxy = new ProxyConfig("", true, "25566") }); } } public RelayCommand StartGameCommand => new RelayCommand(StartGame); public ProxyController proxyController; private string startBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_startgame; public string StartBtn_txt { get { return startBtn_txt; } set { SetProperty(ref startBtn_txt, value); } } bool CanStart = true; private bool canChangeProxyType = true; public bool CanChangeProxyType { get { return canChangeProxyType; } set { SetProperty(ref canChangeProxyType,value); } } #region 启动游戏 private void StartGame() { if (!CanStart) { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_nostart,null); return; } if (LauncherConfig.GameInfo==null|| LauncherConfig.GameInfo.GameExePath == null ) //LauncherConfig.GameInfo.Version == null { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_setcfg,new RelayCommand(() => { //MainWindow.Instance.rootFrame.Navigate(new Uri("/View/Setting.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); MainWindow.Instance.nav.SelectedIndex = 1; })); return; } var fp = LauncherConfig.GameInfo.GameExePath; try { fp = Path.GetFullPath(fp); } catch (Exception ex) { SnackBar.Show(ex.Message, new RelayCommand(() => { MainWindow.Instance.nav.SelectedIndex = 1; })); return; } var fd = LauncherConfig.GameInfo.GameExeFolder; if (!File.Exists(fp)&&LauncherConfig.ProxyType!=ProxyType.PROXY_ONLY) { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_correctgamepath, new RelayCommand(() => { //MainWindow.Instance.rootFrame.Navigate(new Uri("/View/Setting.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); MainWindow.Instance.nav.SelectedIndex = 1; })); return; } switch (LauncherConfig.ProxyType) { case ProxyType.OFFICIAL: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { CreateNoWindow = true, FileName = fp, UseShellExecute = true, }; try { Process.Start(startInfo); StartBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_running; CanStart = false; CanChangeProxyType = false; new ProcessWatcher(new EventHandler(pro_Exited)).Watch(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } break; case ProxyType.PRIVATE: { if (LauncherConfig.Servers.Count==0) { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_reqaddone, null); return; } if (SelectedSrv==null) { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_reqselectone, null); return; } var SelectedProxy_C = SelectedSrv.proxy; proxyController = new ProxyController(SelectedProxy_C.ProxyPort, SelectedProxy_C.ProxyServer,SelectedProxy_C.UseHttp); proxyController.Start(); var dll = RSAPatchHelper.WriteMhypbaseAllTo(SelectedSrv); ; if (dll != null) { GameHelper.StartGame(fp, dll); } CanChangeProxyType = false; CanStart = false; StartBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_running; new ProcessWatcher(new EventHandler(pro_Exited)).Watch(); break; } case ProxyType.PROXY_ONLY: { if (LauncherConfig.Servers.Count == 0||SelectedSrv==null) { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_reqaddone, null); return; } var SelectedProxy_C = SelectedSrv.proxy; if (proxyController!=null&&proxyController._IsRun) { CanChangeProxyType = true; proxyController.Stop(); StartBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_startproxy; } else { CanChangeProxyType = false; proxyController = new ProxyController(SelectedProxy_C.ProxyPort, SelectedProxy_C.ProxyServer, SelectedProxy_C.UseHttp); proxyController.Start(); StartBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_stopproxy; } } break; default: break; } } private void pro_Exited(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MessageBox.Show("游戏退出!"); CanStart = true; switch (LauncherConfig.ProxyType) { case ProxyType.OFFICIAL: StartBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_startgame; CanChangeProxyType = true; break; case ProxyType.PRIVATE: StartBtn_txt = Properties.Resources.btn_startgame; proxyController.Stop(); CanChangeProxyType = true; //var inif = System.IO.Path.Combine(LauncherConfig.GameInfo.GameExeFolder, "mhypbase.ini"); //if (File.Exists(inif)) //{ // File.Delete(inif); //} break; case ProxyType.PROXY_ONLY: default: break; } } #endregion public ICommand AddCommand => new RelayCommand(Add); public ICommand DeleteCommand => new RelayCommand(Delete); public ICommand EditCommand => new RelayCommand(Edit); public ICommand ImportCommand => new RelayCommand(Import); public ICommand ExportCommand => new RelayCommand(Export); private void Export() { if (SelectedSrv!=null) { byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SelectedSrv)); string str = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); Clipboard.SetDataObject(str, true); SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_exp_succ, null); } } private void Import() { try { IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); string srv = (string)data.GetData(typeof(string)); byte[] outputb = Convert.FromBase64String(srv); string orgStr = Encoding.Default.GetString(outputb); LauncherConfig.Servers.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(orgStr)); SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_imp_succ, null); } catch (Exception ex) { SnackBar.Show(Properties.Resources.tip_imp_err, null); } } private ServerItem selectedSrv; public ServerItem SelectedSrv { get { return selectedSrv; } set { SetProperty(ref selectedSrv , value); } } private void Add() { var item = new ServerItem() { proxy = new ProxyConfig("") }; ServerEditControl.instance.ServerItem = item; ServerEditControl.Show(); LauncherConfig.Servers.Add(item); } private void Delete() { if (SelectedSrv==null) { return; } LauncherConfig.Servers.Remove(SelectedSrv); if (LauncherConfig.SelectedSrvIndex>0) { LauncherConfig.SelectedSrvIndex -= 1; } } private void Edit() { if (SelectedSrv == null) { return; } ServerEditControl.instance.ServerItem = SelectedSrv; ServerEditControl.Show(); } } }