import * as _spitroast from "spitroast"; import _React from "react"; import _RN from "react-native"; import _Clipboard from "@react-native-clipboard/clipboard"; import _moment from "moment"; import _chroma from "chroma-js"; import _lodash from "lodash"; type MetroModules = { [id: number]: any }; // Component types interface SummaryProps { label: string; icon?: string; noPadding?: boolean; noAnimation?: boolean; children: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]; } interface ErrorBoundaryProps { children: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]; } interface CodeblockProps { selectable?: boolean; style?: _RN.TextStyle; children?: string; } interface SearchProps { onChangeText?: (v: string) => void; placeholder?: string; style?: _RN.TextStyle; } // Helper types for API functions type PropIntellisense

= Record & Record; type PropsFinder = (...props: T[]) => PropIntellisense; type PropsFinderAll = (...props: T[]) => PropIntellisense[]; type LoggerFunction = (...messages: any[]) => void; interface Logger { log: LoggerFunction; info: LoggerFunction; warn: LoggerFunction; error: LoggerFunction; time: LoggerFunction; trace: LoggerFunction; verbose: LoggerFunction; } type SearchTree = Record; type SearchFilter = (tree: SearchTree) => boolean; interface FindInTreeOptions { walkable?: string[]; ignore?: string[]; maxDepth?: number; } interface Asset { name: string; id: number; } export enum ButtonColors { BRAND = "brand", RED = "red", GREEN = "green", PRIMARY = "primary", TRANSPARENT = "transparent", GREY = "grey", LIGHTGREY = "lightgrey", WHITE = "white", LINK = "link" } interface ConfirmationAlertOptions { title?: string; content: string | JSX.Element | (string | JSX.Element)[]; confirmText?: string; confirmColor?: ButtonColors; onConfirm: () => void; secondaryConfirmText?: string; onConfirmSecondary?: () => void; cancelText?: string; isDismissable?: boolean; } interface InputAlertProps { title?: string; confirmText?: string; confirmColor?: ButtonColors; onConfirm: (input: string) => (void | Promise); cancelText?: string; placeholder?: string; initialValue?: string; } interface Author { name: string; id?: string; } // See interface PluginManifest { name: string; description: string; authors: Author[]; main: string; hash: string; // Vendor-specific field, contains our own data vendetta?: { icon?: string; }; } interface Plugin { id: string; manifest: PluginManifest; enabled: boolean; update: boolean; js: string; } interface ThemeData { name: string; description?: string; authors?: Author[]; spec: number; semanticColors?: Record; rawColors?: Record; background?: { url: string; blur?: number; /** * The alpha value of the background. * `CHAT_BACKGROUND` of semanticColors alpha value will be ignored when this is specified */ alpha?: number; } } interface Theme { id: string; selected: boolean; data: ThemeData; } interface Settings { debuggerUrl: string; developerSettings: boolean; safeMode?: { enabled: boolean; currentThemeId?: string; }; } interface ApplicationCommand { description: string; name: string; options: ApplicationCommandOption[]; execute: (args: any[], ctx: CommandContext) => CommandResult | void | Promise | Promise; id?: string; applicationId: string; displayName: string; displayDescription: string; inputType: ApplicationCommandInputType; type: ApplicationCommandType; } export enum ApplicationCommandInputType { BUILT_IN, BUILT_IN_TEXT, BUILT_IN_INTEGRATION, BOT, PLACEHOLDER, } interface ApplicationCommandOption { name: string; description: string; required?: boolean; type: ApplicationCommandOptionType; displayName: string; displayDescription: string; } export enum ApplicationCommandOptionType { SUB_COMMAND = 1, SUB_COMMAND_GROUP, STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, USER, CHANNEL, ROLE, MENTIONABLE, NUMBER, ATTACHMENT, } export enum ApplicationCommandType { CHAT = 1, USER, MESSAGE, } interface CommandContext { channel: any; guild: any; } interface CommandResult { content: string; tts?: boolean; } interface RNConstants extends _RN.PlatformConstants { // Android Version: number; Release: string; Serial: string; Fingerprint: string; Model: string; Brand: string; Manufacturer: string; ServerHost?: string; // iOS forceTouchAvailable: boolean; interfaceIdiom: string; osVersion: string; systemName: string; } /** * A key-value storage based upon `SharedPreferences` on Android. * * These types are based on Android though everything should be the same between * platforms. */ interface MMKVManager { /** * Get the value for the given `key`, or null * @param key The key to fetch */ getItem: (key: string) => Promise; /** * Deletes the value for the given `key` * @param key The key to delete */ removeItem: (key: string) => void; /** * Sets the value of `key` to `value` */ setItem: (key: string, value: string) => void; /** * Goes through every item in storage and returns it, excluding the * keys specified in `exclude`. * @param exclude A list of items to exclude from result */ refresh: (exclude: string[]) => Promise>; /** * You will be murdered if you use this function. * Clears ALL of Discord's settings. */ clear: () => void; } interface FileManager { /** * @param path **Full** path to file */ fileExists: (path: string) => Promise; /** * Allowed URI schemes on Android: `file://`, `content://` ([See here]( */ getSize: (uri: string) => Promise; /** * @param path **Full** path to file * @param encoding Set to `base64` in order to encode response */ readFile(path: string, encoding: "base64" | "utf8"): Promise; saveFileToGallery?(uri: string, fileName: string, fileType: "PNG" | "JPEG"): Promise; /** * Beware! This function has differing functionality on iOS and Android. * @param storageDir Either `cache` or `documents`. * @param path Path in `storageDir`, parents are recursively created. * @param data The data to write to the file * @param encoding Set to `base64` if `data` is base64 encoded. * @returns Promise that resolves to path of the file once it got written */ writeFile(storageDir: "cache" | "documents", path: string, data: string, encoding: "base64" | "utf8"): Promise; getConstants: () => { /** * The path the `documents` storage dir (see {@link writeFile}) represents. */ DocumentsDirPath: string; }; /** * Will apparently cease to exist some time in the future so please use {@link getConstants} instead. * @deprecated */ DocumentsDirPath: string; } type EmitterEvent = "SET" | "GET" | "DEL"; interface EmitterListenerData { path: string[]; value?: any; } type EmitterListener = ( event: EmitterEvent, data: EmitterListenerData | any ) => any; type EmitterListeners = Record> interface Emitter { listeners: EmitterListeners; on: (event: EmitterEvent, listener: EmitterListener) => void; off: (event: EmitterEvent, listener: EmitterListener) => void; once: (event: EmitterEvent, listener: EmitterListener) => void; emit: (event: EmitterEvent, data: EmitterListenerData) => void; } interface StorageBackend { get: () => unknown | Promise; set: (data: unknown) => void | Promise; } interface LoaderConfig { customLoadUrl: { enabled: boolean; url: string; }; loadReactDevTools: boolean; } interface LoaderIdentity { name: string; features: { loaderConfig?: boolean; devtools?: { prop: string; version: string; }, themes?: { prop: string; } } } interface DiscordStyleSheet { [index: string]: any, createThemedStyleSheet: typeof import("react-native").StyleSheet.create; } interface VendettaObject { patcher: { after: typeof _spitroast.after; before: typeof _spitroast.before; instead: typeof _spitroast.instead; }; metro: { find: (filter: (m: any) => boolean) => any; findAll: (filter: (m: any) => boolean) => any[]; findByProps: PropsFinder; findByPropsAll: PropsFinderAll; findByName: (name: string, defaultExp?: boolean) => any; findByNameAll: (name: string, defaultExp?: boolean) => any[]; findByDisplayName: (displayName: string, defaultExp?: boolean) => any; findByDisplayNameAll: (displayName: string, defaultExp?: boolean) => any[]; findByTypeName: (typeName: string, defaultExp?: boolean) => any; findByTypeNameAll: (typeName: string, defaultExp?: boolean) => any[]; findByStoreName: (name: string) => any; common: { constants: PropIntellisense<"API_HOST">; channels: PropIntellisense<"getVoiceChannelId">; i18n: PropIntellisense<"Messages">; url: PropIntellisense<"openURL">; toasts: PropIntellisense<"open" | "close">; stylesheet: DiscordStyleSheet; clipboard: typeof _Clipboard; assets: PropIntellisense<"registerAsset">; invites: PropIntellisense<"acceptInviteAndTransitionToInviteChannel">; commands: PropIntellisense<"getBuiltInCommands">; navigation: PropIntellisense<"pushLazy">; navigationStack: PropIntellisense<"createStackNavigator">; NavigationNative: PropIntellisense<"NavigationContainer">; // You may ask: "Why not just install Flux's types?" // Answer: Discord have a (presumably proprietary) fork. It's wildly different. Flux: PropIntellisense<"connectStores">; FluxDispatcher: PropIntellisense<"_currentDispatchActionType">; React: typeof _React; ReactNative: typeof _RN; moment: typeof _moment; chroma: typeof _chroma; lodash: typeof _lodash; }; }; constants: { DISCORD_SERVER: string; DISCORD_SERVER_ID: string; PLUGINS_CHANNEL_ID: string; THEMES_CHANNEL_ID: string; GITHUB: string; PROXY_PREFIX: string; HTTP_REGEX: RegExp; HTTP_REGEX_MULTI: RegExp; }; utils: { findInReactTree: (tree: SearchTree, filter: SearchFilter) => any; findInTree: (tree: SearchTree, filter: SearchFilter, options: FindInTreeOptions) => any; safeFetch: (input: RequestInfo | URL, options?: RequestInit, timeout?: number) => Promise; unfreeze: (obj: object) => object; without: (object: O, ...keys: K) => Omit; }; debug: { connectToDebugger: (url: string) => void; // TODO: Type output? getDebugInfo: () => void; } ui: { components: { // Discord Forms: PropIntellisense<"Form" | "FormSection">; General: PropIntellisense<"Button" | "Text" | "View">; Alert: _React.ComponentType; Button: _React.ComponentType & { Looks: any, Colors: ButtonColors, Sizes: any }; HelpMessage: _React.ComponentType; SafeAreaView: typeof _RN.SafeAreaView; // Vendetta Summary: _React.ComponentType; ErrorBoundary: _React.ComponentType; Codeblock: _React.ComponentType; Search: _React.ComponentType; } toasts: { showToast: (content: string, asset?: number) => void; }; alerts: { showConfirmationAlert: (options: ConfirmationAlertOptions) => void; showCustomAlert: (component: _React.ComponentType, props: any) => void; showInputAlert: (options: InputAlertProps) => void; }; assets: { all: Record; find: (filter: (a: any) => void) => Asset | null | undefined; getAssetByName: (name: string) => Asset; getAssetByID: (id: number) => Asset; getAssetIDByName: (name: string) => number; }; // TODO: Make a vain attempt to type these semanticColors: Record; rawColors: Record; }; plugins: { plugins: Record; fetchPlugin: (id: string) => Promise; installPlugin: (id: string, enabled?: boolean) => Promise; startPlugin: (id: string) => Promise; stopPlugin: (id: string, disable?: boolean) => void; removePlugin: (id: string) => void; getSettings: (id: string) => JSX.Element; }; themes: { themes: Record; fetchTheme: (id: string, selected?: boolean) => Promise; installTheme: (id: string) => Promise; selectTheme: (id: string) => Promise; removeTheme: (id: string) => Promise; getCurrentTheme: () => Theme | null; updateThemes: () => Promise; }; commands: { registerCommand: (command: ApplicationCommand) => () => void; }; storage: { createProxy: (target: T) => { proxy: T, emitter: Emitter }; useProxy: (storage: T) => T; createStorage: (backend: StorageBackend) => Promise>; wrapSync: >(store: T) => Awaited; awaitSyncWrapper: (store: any) => Promise; createMMKVBackend: (store: string) => StorageBackend; createFileBackend: (file: string) => StorageBackend; }; settings: Settings; loader: { identity?: LoaderIdentity; config: LoaderConfig; }; logger: Logger; version: string; unload: () => void; } interface VendettaPluginObject { id: string; manifest: PluginManifest; storage: Record; } declare global { type React = typeof _React; interface Window { [key: PropertyKey]: any; modules: MetroModules; vendetta: VendettaObject; React: typeof _React; __vendetta_loader?: LoaderIdentity; } }